East Wiltshire School Mission Statement
We hope all students and staff will become committed to making the mission statement a reality. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the many different aspects of school life at East Wiltshire and to make this your best year yet.
The staff, students, board and community of East Wiltshire School share the responsibility to provide for individual student’s intellectual, physical and social growth within a secure environment. At East Wiltshire School, the staff respects the rights of the students to the best quality education possible. In return, the staff asks the students to accept their part in the responsibility accompanying the right.
East Wiltshire Student Code of Conduct
I will respect those around me: their individual right to learn and their ethnic, racial, and cultural differences.
I will respect myself and others through dress, manners and appropriate language.
I will display good citizenship at home, school and in the community, and respect school property and the property of others.
I will respect my educational opportunities and my responsibilities as a student.
I will respect school procedures, decisions, and consequences.